Top Facts about South America continent

Top facts - North America continent

Hey guys, today we will discuss on the topic facts about Asia continents. As you know that there are 7 continents in the world.

1. Asia continent

2. Africa continent

3. North America continent

4. South America continent

5. Europe continent

6. Australia continent

7. Antarctica continent

4). South America continent

Top Facts about South America continents

  • The discovery of South America was made by Columbus in 1492 AD.
  • South America is the fourth major continent of the world.
  • The total area of ​​South America is 1,77,33,000 sq km.
  • The latitudinal extension of South America ranges from 130 north latitudes to 560 southern latitudes and longitudinal ranges from 350 to 820 western longitudes.
  • The maximum length of South America from north to south is 7950 km and maximum width from east to west is 5150 km. There are 14 countries located in South America, of which 'Brazil' is the largest in terms of area and 'Malvina' is the smallest country.
  • The landlocked countries located in South America are 'Bolivia' and 'Paraguay'.
  • Before the arrival of Europeans in South America, the natives called 'Red Indian' lived.
  • In South America, contact between the Red Indian and European species led to the creation of a hybrid called 'mestizo'.
  • Spaniards first arrived in South America and then began to arrive.
  • In South America, the East had possession of 500 Western Deserters while in the west it had the jurisdiction of the Spaniards.
  • In South America, a mixture of black and European species produced 'mulatto' and 'jumbo' species from a mixture of black and Indian.
  • South America had Portuguese colonies in Brazil.
  • Spaniards dominated Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina in South America.
  • The capital city of Bolivia, Lapaz, is the highest capital (6200 m) in the world.
  • It is also known as 'Latin America' due to the multiplicity of Spanish and Portuguese speakers in South America.
  • Latin was the language of the ancient Romans. With this, Spanish was born in Portuguese, French and Italian.
  • South America can be divided into 4 major natural regions in terms of geography - Andes ranges, plateau regions, river basins and coastal plains.
  • Andes Ranges
  • The Andes Parvamala extends from Trinidad view in the north to Staunton Island in the south.
  • Andes is the longest mountain range in the world. Its total length is 7,200 km. is.
  • Andes is the second highest mountain range in the world after the Himalayas.
  • The Andes are the new mountain mountains of the world.
  • The Andes Mountains are mainly spread in Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela.
  • The highest peak of the Andes Mountains is 'Ennacagua', whose height above sea level is 7021 m. is.
  • Many volcanic peaks are found in the Andes Mountains - 'Ojo-del-Salado', 'Chimbarajo', 'Cotopaxi', 'Almisti', 'Tupungato', 'Balenin'.
  • Cotopaxi (Ecuador) is the highest active volcanic mountain in the world.
  • The plateau region of South America consists mainly of Guyana and the Brazilian plateau spread along the east coast.
  • Bolivia's plateau is an interglacial plateau between two categories of Andes mountains.
  • Lake Titicaca, located on the Peru-Bolivia border, is the highest (7014 m) navigable lake in the world.
  • The Guiana plateau is a rough plateau between the Ornico and the Amazon rivers.
  • In the middle east of South America lies the Brazil Plateau, which is rich in minerals.
  • There are three major basins in South America - the Ornico Basin, the Amazon Basin and the Parana-Paraguay Basin.
  • The Amazon River originates from the Andes Mountains and falls in the Atlantic Ocean.
  • The Amazon River is the largest river in the world in terms of runoff. It carries the most water in all the rivers of the world.
  • The length of the Amazon River is 6280 km and the drainage area is about 10,66,660 sq km.
  • The main tributaries of the Amazon are the Japura, Purusha, Madeira, Negro, Tapajos etc.
  • The Ornico River originates from the Andes Mountains and flows into Venezuela and falls into the Atlantic Ocean.
  • The systems of Parana, Paraguay, Uruguay and their tributaries are called 'Plata'.
  • The Paraná, Paraguay, Uruguay rivers originate from the Brazilian Plateau and fall into the southern Atlantic Ocean near Rio de Plata.
  • The Angel Falls in Venezuela is the highest waterfall in the world.
  • The Pacific coastline of South America is very narrow while the east coast is relatively wide.
  • Two ecological regions are found in South America - Atacama Desert and Patagonia Desert.
  • The Atacama Desert expands into southern Peru and northern Chile. It is a hot desert. Hawthorn and other thorny shrubs are found in this desert.
  • South-central Chile of the Atacama Desert has a tropical oceanic climate, where winter rains occur.
  • Oak, walnut, chestnut and fig trees are found in the Mediterranean climate of central Chile.
  • Oceanographic climate is found in southern Chile where it rains throughout the year. The area is dominated by pine and beech trees.
  • The temperate grassland found in the central part of Argentina is called Pampas.
  • 'Pampas' is a Spanish word which means 'wide ground'.
  • Pampas is one of the fertile grasslands of the world made of deep fine soil.
  • Patagonia is the second major desert in the east of the Andes Mountains in southern Argentina called Patagonia.
  • The equatorial rain forest in the Amazon River Basin is called 'Selvas'.
  • The tropical grassland found in the northern Ornicon river basin of Selvas is called Vanos.
  • The tropical grassland located in the central part of southern Brazil in Selvas is called Llanos.
  • The tropical grassland, located in the middle part of the southern Brajas of Selvas, is called 'Campos'.
  • The dense forest area in the low land area of ​​northern Argentina and western Paraguay is called 'Granchaco'.
  • Granchaco is a region of temperate forests, in which savanna grass land is found in between.
  • The main tree of Granwaco Forest is 'Quabrco', whose wood is very hard. Quabrco means 'ax breaker'.
  • Tannin is obtained from the wood of the Quabrco tree which is used to make leather.
  • Tropical wooded mahogany trees are found in the tropical rain forest region in the Amazon Basin.
  • Valsa is the lightest wood in the world. A boat is made from it.
  • In Brazil, palm carnoba tree is found, from which wax is obtained, which is used in shoes  Asbestos stores of quality are found.
  • Brazil is the second largest producer of asbestos in the world after India.
  • The country with the most population in South America is Brazil and the country with the lowest population is Malvina.
  • The longest length of railroads in South America is in Argentina.
  • The major port cities of South America are Rio-de-Janeiro, Santos, Mantvideo, Salvador, Recife, Paramaribo, Georgetown, Cartagona, Entefgasta, Maracaibo.
  • Palis are used in furniture and candles.
  • Cinchona and Chikil are the other major trees found in the Amazon forest.
  • The anti-malarial quinine medicine is made from the bark of cinchona, while chewingum is made from chikil.
  • The Amazon River Basin is the origin of the rubber plant.
  • The forests of the eastern slopes of the Andes Mountains are called Montana. Precious soft wood is found here.
  • Only 10 percent of the total area of ​​South America is cultivable.
  • Most of the agricultural land in South America is found in Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay.
  • Wheat and maize are the main food crops of South America.
  • Maize is a native crop of South America.
  • Brazil is the largest producer of maize in South America, followed by Argentina.
  • Argentina is the leading wheat producing nation in South America.
  • Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador are the first, second and third producing countries of cava in the world respectively.
  • The Portuguese owe the beginning of Kahve's agriculture in Brazil.
  • In Brazil, cava cultivation is done on terraosa soil.
  • In Brazil, coffee plantations are called 'Fajendas'. 3000–400 workers work in an agenda.
  • The state of Saopolo in Brazil is a leader in cava production.
  • Brazil's SATAS port is known as the COFFEE-PORT of the world.
  • Colombia's coffee plantation is called 'Finca'.
  • The second main crop of Brazil is cotton.
  • Sugarcane is cultivated in the northeastern parts of Brazil.
  • Brazil is the second largest producer of sugar from sugarcane after India.
  • Brazil ranks third in production of cocoa after Ghana and Nigeria in Africa.
  • Leaves of Yarbamate shrubs found in the eastern highlands of Brazil are used as tea.
  • A nutritious grass called alphapha is found in the semi-western parts of Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, making tonic.
  • 'Rea' is a running bird of South America. It is similar to the ostrich in southern Africa and the emu bird of Australia.
  • 'Kendor' - is the world's largest bird of prey found in South America.
  • 'Anaconda' - a giant dragon found in South America. Its length is 10 meters.
  • Puma is a dangerous lion of the lion family found in South America.
  • Jaguar - is a unique predatory animal found in South America.
  • 'Ant-Eater' and 'Armedillo' are the bizarre mammalian creatures of South America.
  • 'Makdabandar' found in South America is famous for acrobatics.
  • 'Squirrel monkeys' found in South America are world famous for their humility.
  • Alpaka and Lama are long-necked camel species found on the Andes Mountains.
  • 'Guanco' is a type of wild lama that can remain without water for several days.
  • Peru is the largest fish producer country in South America, ranking third in world production after China, Japan.
  • On the coast of Peru, a hot water stream called alanine originates.
  • In Argentina and Chile, the number of sheep is found most.
  • Buenos Aires city of Argentina is famous for production and export of demand.
  • The 'Minas Geras' plateau of Brazil is a mineral rich plateau. There is a huge iron ore reservoir here.
  • Brazil's Itabira mountain is famous for iron ore production.
  • Brazil is the second major iron producing nation in the world.
  • Chile is the first producer of copper in the world. Chile's 'Chukki Kamata' copper mine area is world famous.
  • Chile's 'Antifagasta' port is known as the 'copper port of the world'.
  • Bolivia has been a major tin producing country in the world in South America.
  • Large deposits of mineral oil are found in Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago.
  • Maracaibo Lake in Venezuela is famous for mineral oil production.
  • Huge reserves of nitrate are found in the Attama Desert.
  • Chile is the largest producer of nitrate in South America.
  • The island of Guayano, near the Peruvian coast, has the world's best natural manure reserves, which are the excreta of the excreta of Guyanog birds.
  • Suriname and Guyana are the major producing countries of bauxite in South America. Brazil is Best.
Top Facts about South America continents

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