Best UPSC books for civil cervices exam


 UPSC books - Best UPSC books for civil service exam

Welcome to ‘’ in this article we will provide most important books to crack UPSC  exam. The UPSC or the Civil Services Exam is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). The highly prestigious exam is also one of the toughest exams in the country.

Ø IAS toppers recommend that aspirants start their UPSC preparation with NCERT books and then move on to the standard reference books.

Ø The best IAS books can vary from candidate to candidate depending on their previous expertise and knowledge of the subject matter.

Ø NCERT books covers 30 to 40% of IAS syllabus, 20% from news paper and rest from standard books.

Ø The HINDU and the Indian express is very good newspaper.






1.Ncert books

2.Indian polity


New ncert

M. laxmikant




1.Ncert books

2.Physical and human geography

3.Oxford world atlas


New ncert

GC leong


Oxford pulishers



1.Ncert books

2. India’s Struggle for Independence


New ncert

Bipan chandra



1.Ncert books

2.indian economy


New ncert

Ramesh singh



Science and tech.

1.Ncert books(6th to 10th ) level

2.News paper

New ncert


The hindu news paper is sufficient for extra knowledge ISRO website


International relation

The hindu news paper is sufficient




Internal security


The hindu news paper is sufficient









By lexicon

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IAS Exam Questions related to Books for UPSC :- 

Which book is best for Indian Polity?
M. LAXMIKANTH is best book for IAS exam and this book is sufficient  for IAS exam.

Which books is best for indian art and culture?
Nitin singhania is best book for indian art and cultue.

Which economy books is best for UPSC?
Rmesh singh is best book for indian economy.

is NCERT book is enough for UPSC exam?
no, only NCERT books is not enough for UPSC exam for better performance in UPSC exam you have to read standard book also.

Which ethics book is best for UPSC exam?
O.P. GOUBA is good book but for better knowledge LEXICON is best book for UPSC exam.

Which geography books is best for UPSC?
GC LEONG is bets book for for UPSC exam.

Which news paper is best for UPSC exam?
Both the news paper the HINDU and the indian express are good. but according to topper the HINDU is best for UPSC exam.

How much syllabus cover news paper?
about 20 to 25% syllabus cover by news paper. like science and technology, international relation and internal security.

Does news paper cover polity?
yes, news paper covers about 25% polity question

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