Top facts - Asia continent
Hey guys, today we will discuss on the topic facts about Asia continents. As you know that there are 7 continents in the world.
1. Asia
2. Africa
3. North
America continent
4. South
America continent
5. Europe
6. Australia
Antarctica continent
1). Asia continent
- Asia is the largest continent in terms of area and population in the world. Here 1/3 of the whole world and 2/5 of the total population is found here.
- The latitudinal expansion of the Asia continent ranges from 10 southern latitudes to 80 northern latitudes and the longitudinal extension from 25 eastern latitudes to 180 eastern longitudes.
- Most of the Asia continent is located in the eastern hemisphere. Only a few parts are found in the Western Hemisphere.
- The largest island of Asia continent is Borneo with an area of 7,51,100 sq km. is found.
- Asia's most densely populated island is Java Island in the Indonesian Islands.
- The highest mountain peak in the world in Asia is Mount Everest (Nepal), located in the Himalayan ranges, with an altitude of 8850 m. is. It is called Sagarmatha and Chomonglungma in Tibetan language.
- The highest plateau in the world in Asia is the World Plateau Pamir (4875 m), which is known as Roof of World.
- The Tibetan Plateau in Asia is the highest plateau in the world.
- China (9,561,000 sq km) is the largest country in Asia and Maldives (298 sq km) is the smallest country in Asia.
- China is the world's most populous country in the Asia continent.
- Singapore is the most populous country in the Asia continent.
- Asia and Europe divide the continent by joining the Ural Mountains, the Ural River and the Caspian Sea.
- The Caspian Sea is the world's largest lake in the Asia continent. Its area is 371800 km. is.
- Baikal is the deepest lake of Cesar in the Asia continent, whose depth is 1485 meters above sea level.
- Asia and Europe are collectively called the Eurasia continent.
- The longest river in Asia continent, Yangji (China), is 6800 km long. is.
- One of the best places in the world in Asia continent is Jacobabad (52) in Pakistan, cold place Barkhoyansk (68) in Russia.
- Mariana, the deepest trough in the world, is located in the Pacific Ocean near the island of Philippines in the continent of Asia. Its depth is 11,776 meters.
- The world's wetest place in the Asia continent is Masin Ram in the state of Meghalaya, India, where 11,405 mm. Rainfall has been recorded.
- The longest railway route in Asia is Trans Siberian with a length of 9438 km. is. It goes from Leningrad to Bladibostak.
- Japan and China, located in the Asia continent, are the world's most fish-drawing countries.
- Asia is the world's largest rice (93%) and tea (91%) produced.
- China is the highest rice producer in Asia and India the largest tea producer.
- Asia is called the land of all religions because it is the continent of origin of all religions.
- The largest producer and exporter of rubber in Asia is Thailand.
- Malaysia is the largest producer of tin in Asia.
- Japan is the largest hydroelectric producer in Asia.
- Asia has four major cities in terms of population respectively - (1) Tokyo (Japan) (2) Mumbai (India) (3) Shanghai (China) and (4) Kolkata (India).
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